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A man encounters a pirate in a bar. They strike up a conversation, and the man asks the pirate how he suffered his various injuries. „Arrgh, I lost my leg fighting over buried treasure in the tropics. I lost my ear in a barroom fight with another pirate – he bit my ear right off.“ The other man points to the pirate’s arm and asks, „How did you get the hook for an arm?“ The pirate replies, „Arrgh, I lost my arm when a winch tore it off in a terrible storm at sea.“ „And how did you lose your eye?“ The pirate says, „Arrgh, I had a terrible itch in my eye.“ „You lost your sight because of an itch?“ The pirate explains: „Aye, it was my first day with the hook.“
To strike up a conversation – завързвам разговор
encounter [in‡kaunt›] I. v 1. срещам (се) случайно/неочаквано/ с, попадам на
bury [‡beri] v 1. заравям, скривам
treasure [‡tre›] I. n 1. съкровище
barroom [‡ba:†ru:m] n бар
bite [bait] I. v (bit [bit]; bit, bitten [bitn])
to bite off – отхапвам
hook [huk] I. n 1. кука
winch [wintš] I. n крик, вдигачка
to tear off 1) откъсвам, разкъсвам
itch [itš] I. n 1. сърбеж; 2. краста(и прен.)
sight [sait] I. n 1. зрение
aye = yes