Страдателен залог в бъдеще време

Конструкцията на изреченията в бъдеще просто време (future simple) в деятелен залог (active voice) в английския език е следната:

Subject + will/shall + first form of the verb + object

Същите изречения в английския език, но в страдателен залог (passive voice), са със следната конструкция:

Object of the active sentence + will/shall + be + past participle form of the verb + by + subject of the active sentence

  • Active: I will write a letter.
  • Passive: A letter will be written by me.
  • Active: She will help me.
  • Passive: I will be helped by her.
  • Active: John will learn the lesson.
  • Passive: The lesson will be learnt by John.

Промяна на отрицателно изречение в страдателен залог (passive voice):

  • Active: She will not help us.
  • Passive: We will not be helped by her.
  • Active: We will not visit the hill station this year.
  • Passive: The hill station will not be visited by us this year.
  • Active: We shall not betray our country.
  • Passive: Our country shall not be betrayed by us.

Промяна на въпросително изречение в страдателен залог (passive voice):

  • Active: Will you help him?
  • Passive: Will he be helped by you?
  • Active: Will you not help me?
  • Passive: Shall I not be helped by you?
  • Active: Will they accept our invitation?
  • Passive: Will our invitation be accepted by them?

Бъдеще перфектно време

Active: Subject + will/shall + have + past participle form of the verb + object

Passive: Object of the active sentence + will/shall + have + been + past participle form of the verb + by + subject of the active sentence

  • Active: We shall not have accepted the invitation.
  • Passive: The invitation shall not have been accepted by us.
  • Active: She will have finished her work.
  • Passive: Her work will have been finished by her.
  • Active: They will have elected him their leader.
  • Passive: He will have been elected their leader (by them).

Промяна на въпросително изречение в страдателен залог (passive voice):

  • Active: Will she have cooked the food?
  • Passive: Will the food have been cooked by her?
  • Active: Will they have received our letter?
  • Passive: Will our letter have been received by them?
  • Active: Will they have caught the train?
  • Passive: Will the train have been caught by them?
  • Active: Who will have opposed you?
  • Passive: By whom will you have been opposed?


Изреченията в деятелен залог в бъдеще перфектно продължително време не може да бъдат променяни в страдателен залог (passive voice).

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