Did you Know?
- The word „Christmas“ comes from the Old English, „Cristes maesse“ which means „Christ’s mass“ on which Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is traditionally a celebration of family and children.
I. n литургия, богослужение, high/low MASS голяма/малка литургия
2. The modern Christmas tree tradition came from western Germany, from a medieval custom, as a paradise tree – a tree decorated with apples, wafers (or cookies), and candles representing the Garden of Eden, the host, and Christ.
I. 1. множество, тълпа
HOSTs of troubles куп неприятности
2. ост. воинство, войска
the HOSTs of Heaven небесните светила, звездите, ангелите
II. 1. домакин, стопанин
2. хотелиер, съдържател
3. биол. гостоприемник
III. n църк. хостия, нафора